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Start small to go big: here are 35 profitable businesses you can start in India within Rs 10,000
The hunt for funding has been the bane of an entrepreneur’s existence from times of yore. Many abandon their dream to build, create, and innovate in the face of this difficult struggle without realizing that a good business idea will eventually pool in the bounty-full once it has secured a place in the market.

100 ideas for making money online with a budget under Rs 5,000
I can give you hundreds of ideas right away if you want to start a side business to generate a passive online income. However, you have to work hard to implement the money-generating business.
You can start while working at your full-time job. When you start making some money from your online work, you can quit your job.

‘Tell me about yourself’ – How to answer this in an interview
This is one of the most frequently asked questions in an interview. Your response to this ice-breaking question generally determines what is in store for you. Although you might have answered this a million times, the way you answer it each time becomes a challenge....

Learn from these top, self-taught bloggers
Life, as we know, is the greatest teacher of all. What the hard knocks and sleepless nights can teach us, no teacher could ever match with or without a cane. It is another matter of how we choose to learn from life lessons. Take these eight individuals, for instance....
Featured Publications
- 100 ideas for making money online with a budget under Rs 5,000 Startups, Online Business
- Start small to go big: here are 35 profitable businesses you can start in India within Rs 10,000 Startups, Online Business
- ‘Tell me about yourself” – How to answer this in an interview Jobs
- Learn from these top, self-taught bloggers Blogging, Online Business
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