Advantages of Academic Affiliated Incubator
CED will have a greater impact on the economy by working with the incubates as it will provide a direct link between the three important groups i.e. the entrepreneurs, the students, and the academic expertise through various faculty support. This support will come through well-equipped and extensive libraries, powerful computer systems, technical expertise, a well-educated workforce, subject-matter experts from the faculty and most important of all, the network with other institutes which will facilitate the use of common resources like laboratories and workshop facilities.
CED also has the advantage to:
- Provide students with an internship or part-time job opportunities, real-world examples for case studies or class projects, opportunities to apply their knowledge to real business problems, and an introduction to entrepreneurship early in their professional careers; and
- Opportunities to strengthen ties between the educational institution and the local business community, a system for bringing technological advances and products to the market, a recruiting tool for faculty members and students interested in entrepreneurial opportunities, an opportunity to fulfill research academic, and community service missions
The CED Incubation Center is operating under the overall set up of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development. The initial capital needed for creating a state-of-the-art infrastructure has been provided by CED.